Last Saturday was the annual Lord Mayor’s show which has been held in some form or other since 1189 making it the world’s oldest civic procession and in all that time it has only missed one year, in 1852, for Wellington’s funeral! The parade was huge with the armed forces, the guilds of the City of London, businesses and a m

ix of people on foot, on

horseback, in grand carriages,

vintage vehicles and even in a massive piece of farm equipment – no idea what that was called…. I went to see this at M

ansion House where there was a grandstand for presenting arms to the Lord Mayor and these arms were muskets presented by Civil War soldiers. The Mayor-ship (I doubt that’s the right term!) is a one year appointment so each year this event celebrates the new person taking office. The was a sense of fun running through the parade with many of the serious looking gents in carriages waving hand puppets around! There were huge crowds enjoying the parade who all wandered over to the Thames to ooh and aah at the specta


fireworks. A great day out for all and all free which is a

great bonus with all the talk of cuts at the moment. The photos show the parade, the toys (can you spot the glove puppet sheep?), real dogs and dog costumes from the PDSA charity, the Lord Mayor waving from his carriage and one firework shot across the Thames to St Pauls.
It was a big week for those of us in the travel industry as the World Travel Market arrived in force taking up the whole of the massive Excel Centre in east London. There were fancy stands from every country in the world and some seemed as big as a country! There was so much to see and

people to catch up with that

it was exhausting but it

‘s a major event in the industry year so great to be there. A few photos just for fun – Paddington continues the soft toys theme, the komodo dragon made me look twice and the Korean stand saved me by serving very tasty lunch!
It was a delight to show a visiting American around London and we wandered our way through the tried and tested favourites: Downing Street, Big Ben, Thames Cruise and British Museum. I never tire of these….
Just one more thing to squeeze into this week’s jumbo photo blog was a charity event at Mary Portas Giving and Living shop on Westbourne Grove. It was the kick off for their o
nline auction of Killer Heels against Killer Diseases and they have gathered designer shoes – Manolos, Westwoods and Choos – and donations from famous locals – Pixie Lott, Nigella, Jonathan Ross etc. So we viewed the shoes over a glass of bubbly, with many of the clever window display you can see on the photo, and decided which ones to bid for. Great idea Mary!
Bye for now,